Evaluating a Business Opportunity
Before investing in a potential business opportunity, successful entrepreneuers, franchisees, and business purchasers must evaluate the potential success of the business venture. The internet, your local state/federal/city offices, white papers, research material, etc. are excellent resources to tap into when evaluating a business opportunity. Personal interviews can add furtehr dimension to your evaluation.

License and Permits
International | Federal | State
Most business ventures are required to secure licenses and/or permit to operate. Such licenses or permits can be required under international, federal, state, or local rules. The SBA provides an excellent resource for review of potentially applicable international and federal regulations. In addition, you can find information regarding applicable state regulations by business type or product offered at the state website.

Zoning Permits
Site Plan Review
All business establishments are subject to local land use (i.e. zoning) regulations. Please contact the Henning Public Works Supervisor at hennutilities@arvig.net or City Clerk at henngov@arvig.net for more information.
Conditional Use Permit
If a proposed business is classified as a ‘conditional use’ within the applicable zoning classification, a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) must be issued. A CUP requires a public hearing and notification to neighboring property owners.

Home Occupations
Businesses being operated out of home offices, homes, garages, and/or accessory structures may require a permit. Additional information is available by contacting Henning City Hall at henngov@arvig.net.
Site Plan Approval
Nearly all business establishments need to have a site plan approved. This process reviews how the applicable structure(s) will be placed on a parcel and related issues, including but not limited to signage, off-street parking, stormwater management, and landscaping. Please contact the Henning Public Works Supervisor at hennutilities@arvig.net for additional information on the site plan process.

Zoning and Building Permit
International | Federal | State
The City of Henning requires persons contemplating construction, reconstruction, repair, enhancement, etc. to file for a zoning/building permit. Once a zoning permit is issued, the project can begin.
Please contact City Hall at 218-583-2402, Public Works Supervisor at hennutilities@arvig.net or City Clerk at henngov@arvig.net. For assistance in determining what licenses, permits, reviews, etc. you will need to operate a business in Henning please contact the City Hall, 218-583-2402.
City of Henning Business Assistance
City of Henning provides low interest business subsidies for qualifying businesses and has a number of tools to provide financial assistance to qualifying new businesses or business expansions. Upon filling out the application form, we would schedule a meeting to discuss the available tools for your specific project and work with you to determine which tools best meet your needs.
Click here to download the city’s business assistance application form.